About Me

Shilpa Niraj

Welcome to Femme Time!!!

A desire to find inspiration in daily experiences and the people around me has resulted in creation of Femme Time.

I love looking for inspiration in most unexpected places and events. Be it people around me or the books, the movies, events, places and sometimes even the most ordinary observations can bring a lot of thought, perspective and retrospection. Femme Time is a compilation of all such things.


Keep up with Shilpa: Facebook|Twitter|Goodreads


11 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Inspiration from daily experience is a great idea.
    You could find it in plenty.
    Thanks for your follow of Meenas Poems.
    They are my experiences written in poetic form.
    Hope you derive some inspiration from the poems,
    All the best.

    Liked by 1 person

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